
Breathing in a jungle of concrete

Stories from the field Author: Naeema Jihan Zinia

The capital of Bangladesh, Dhaka, is one of the fastest growing megacities in the world. More than 77% of Dhaka has been urbanized. Wetlands are disappearing drastically because of increased residential, commercial and industrial activities. City scale wetlands preservation or artificial wetland creation is a widely implemented adaptation strategy worldwide as it helps in storm water management, urban flood prevention, increased climate resilience, biodiversity protection, water purification and creating provision for raw materials.

Phong Tran: Building storm resistant homes is not enough

ACCCRN Champion Author: Anu Jogesh

Phong realized that a technological approach would be insufficient unless it was accompanied by community engagement. From that point forward he decided to focus his efforts on combining his technical engineering knowledge with social understanding. Phong got formally involved with ACCCRN through ISET and had the opportunity to apply his skills in practice.

A grandma’s hope from a city called Dhaka

Opinion Author: Meraz Mostafa

It is good if a city can think about whether it is meeting the needs for all of its people.

My grandmother remembers the northern side of Dhaka city before all the traffic. She remembers that after sunset, it was very difficult to reach the city centre because of the lack of paved roads, and there were no street lamps to light the way.

Urban planning and climate resilience in the Mekong Delta

Takeaways Author: Stephen Tyler

The growing problem of urban flooding in southern Vietnam has attracted the attention of the national government, but few practical solutions have been put forward. The combination of rapid urban growth, inadequate infrastructure, land subsidence and climate change all contribute to this challenging problem.